Yaroslav Bylytsia



Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

Honorary title “Honored Educator of Ukraine”

Date of Birth: October 10, 1949

Position: Professor of the Department of German Philology

Academic Degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Diploma ФЛ № 011749, issued by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Moscow, September 28, 1988

Academic Title: Associate Professor, Certificate ДЦ № 002018, Ministry of Education of Ukraine, 1992

Courses Taught: Theoretical Phonetics, Country Studies of German-Speaking Countries, Practical German Course

Education: Graduated in-person from Drohobych State Pedagogical Institute named after Ivan Franko with honors, qualification “teacher of German” (1970), completed a full-time postgraduate program at Kyiv Institute of Foreign Languages specializing in “Germanic languages,” defended candidate’s dissertation at the same institute’s specialized council (1988)

Internships: Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages (1983), Chernivtsi University named after Yuriy Fedkovych (1992), University of Vienna (1994), University of Essen (1996)

Professional Experience:

– 1970–1980: Various positions in the school education system
– 1980–1984: Assistant of the Department of German Language at Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute
– 1984–1987: Full-time postgraduate study
– 1988–1990: Assistant, Senior Lecturer of the Department of German Language at Ivano-Frankivsk State Pedagogical Institute
– 1990–2019: Associate Professor, Head of the Department of German Philology at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
– 2006–2017: Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
– Since 2018: Professor of the Department of German Philology

Research Interests: General and German phraseology, political phraseology of modern German, linguoculturology, with a total of about 80 publications, opponent for candidate dissertations at the specialized councils of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Kyiv National Linguistic University

Participation in Scientific Conferences:

– Ukrainisch-Bayerische Germanistentagung, Lwiw-München, 2005
– Modern Problems of German Studies in Ukraine, International Scientific Conference, Drohobych, 2008
– ELLIC: Modern Research in Linguistics, Literary Studies, and Intercultural Communication, International Online Conference, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013-2017
– International Scientific-Practical Conference on Translation Theory and Practice, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019
– XXVI Conference of the Association of Ukrainian Germanists, Ivano-Frankivsk, September 2019

Supervision of Student Research: Annual supervision of 3-4 qualification papers of students in the “Master” educational program

Languages: German, English