Iryna Malashevska

Senior Lecturer



Date of Birth: October 15, 1964

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic Degree: None specified

Academic Rank: None specified

Courses Taught: Practical course of the main, second, and third foreign languages

Education: Higher education, Master’s degree AG 310/87/DDR dated June 30, 1988, issued by the Friedrich Schiller University Jena in German Studies.

Training: Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Department of Philology and Translation, February 20, 2017, to April 17, 2017

Professional Experience: Assistant at the Department of German Philology from August 15, 1988. Senior Lecturer at the Department of German Philology from April 14, 1998.

Research Interests: Problems of modeling the translation process. Substitution as a translation procedure in translation. Features and prospects of synchronous translation. Use of modern technologies in the translation process.

Participation in Scientific Conferences: International Scientific and Practical Conference “Teaching Foreign Languages ​​in Ukraine and Beyond: Experience and Challenges”, 2019, Ivano-Frankivsk.

Supervision of Scientific Work of Students, Graduate Students: Not specified

Language Proficiency: German, English, Russian, Ukrainian