Halyna Shatska

Senior Lecturer


Scopus ID:


Date of Birth: June 13, 1959

Position: Senior Lecturer

Academic Degree: None

Academic Rank: None

Subjects Taught: Contemporary Literature of the Country Whose Language is Studied, Literature of the Country Whose Language is Studied, Basic Foreign Language (German), Second Foreign Language (German)

Education: 1976 –1981—Chernivtsi State University with a degree in “Romano-Germanic Languages and Literature. German Language” qualifying as “Philologist. Teacher. Translator”


1992 – Department of German Philology, University of Vienna, Austria

1997 – Department of German Philology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

2012 — Department of German Philology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

2017 — Department of German Philology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Professional Experience: Since October 1, 1987 – Laboratory Assistant, Assistant, Senior Lecturer at the Department of German Philology, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Research Interests: “German-Ukrainian Interlingual Relations” theme, 47 publications (scientific articles, abstracts, methodological and educational guides)

Participation in Scientific Conferences:

2015 – 2nd International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Research in Linguistics, Literary Studies, and Intercultural Communication (ELLIC 2015) – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2015

2017 – International Research and Practical Conference “Contemporary Issues in Philological Sciences: Experience of Scholars and Educators of Poland and Ukraine” – Lublin, 2017

2017 — 4th International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Research in Linguistics, Literary Studies, and Intercultural Communication (ELLIC 2015) – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2017

2018 – “The XXV. Anniversary Conference of AUG: ‘German in Ukraine: Traditions, Achievements, Challenges’—Lviv, 2018

2019 – International Scientific and Practical Conference on Translation Theory and Practice (Ivano-Frankivsk, 2019), XXVI Conference of the Association of Ukrainian Germanists (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 2019).

Supervision of Student Research: Supervision of Course Papers

Language Proficiency: Ukrainian, Russian, German