Meeting with a Stakeholder

On November 18, 2024, students of the academic programs 035.043 Germanic Languages and Literatures (including translation) (first – German) and 014.02 Secondary Education: Language and Literature met with stakeholder Aljona Pavlyshynets, a representative of Matro LLC. The meeting was also Читати далі

Vocational Translation Practice

From November 4 to 18, for students of groups G-41 studying at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University under the educational program “German Language and Literature, English Language” Specialty 035 Philology Specialization 035.041 Germanic Languages Читати далі

“Komplett Kafka”

November 6, 2024, a travelling exhibition “Komplett Kafka” opened at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The exhibition was held by the teachers of the Department of German Philology Bohdana Petryshak and Aljona Pavlyshynets supported by Goethe-Institut Ukraine and Faculty of Читати далі

International German Café

On 30 October 2024, students of the SEG-22 group (Faculty of Foreign Languages, Educational Program “Secondary Education (German Language and Literature)”) participated for the second time this semester in the Internationales Deutsch-Café. This online German-language café is held monthly as Читати далі